Source code for queueing_tool.queues.queue_extentions

from heapq import heappush, heappop

from numpy import logical_or, infty
import numpy as np

from queueing_tool.queues.agents import Agent
from queueing_tool.queues.queue_servers import LossQueue

[docs]class ResourceAgent(Agent): """An agent designed to interact with the :class:`.ResourceQueue` class. When an ``ResourceAgent`` departs from a :class:`.ResourceQueue`, they take a *resource* from the queue if the agent does not have a resource yet. It does this by reducing the number of servers at that queue by one. When a ``ResourceAgent`` with a resource arrives at a :class:`.ResourceQueue`, the ``ResourceAgent`` adds a resource to that queue by increasing the number of servers there by one; the ``ResourceAgent`` is then deleted. """ def __init__(self, agent_id=(0, 0)): super(ResourceAgent, self).__init__(agent_id) self._has_resource = False self._had_resource = False def __repr__(self): return "ResourceAgent; agent_id:{0}. Time: {1}".format(self.agent_id, round(self._time, 3))
[docs] def queue_action(self, queue, *args, **kwargs): """Function that specifies the interaction with a :class:`.ResourceQueue` upon departure. When departuring from a :class:`.ResourceQueue` (or a :class:`.QueueServer`), this method is called. If the agent does not already have a resource then it decrements the number of servers at :class:`.ResourceQueue` by one. Note that this only applies to :class:`ResourceQueue's<.ResourceQueue>`. Parameters ---------- queue : :class:`.QueueServer` The instance of the queue that the ``ResourceAgent`` will interact with. """ if isinstance(queue, ResourceQueue): if self._has_resource: self._has_resource = False self._had_resource = True else: if queue.num_servers > 0: queue.set_num_servers(queue.num_servers - 1) self._has_resource = True self._had_resource = False
[docs]class ResourceQueue(LossQueue): """An queue designed to interact with the :class:`.ResourceAgent` class. If a :class:`.ResourceAgent` does not have a resource already it will take a *resource* from this queue when it departs. It does this by reducing the number of servers here by one. When a :class:`.ResourceAgent` arrives to this queue with a resource, it adds one to the number of servers here. The :class:`.ResourceAgent` is then deleted. Attributes ---------- max_servers : int The maximum number of servers that can be here. This is a soft max, and it is only used to keep track of how often the queue will be overflowing with resources. over_max : int The number of times an agent has deposited a resource here when the number of servers was at ``max_servers``. kwargs Any arguments to pass to :class:`.LossQueue`. """ _default_colors = { 'edge_loop_color': [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.50], 'edge_color': [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.50], 'vertex_fill_color': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], 'vertex_pen_color': [0.0, 0.235, 0.718, 1.0] } def __init__(self, num_servers=10, AgentFactory=ResourceAgent, qbuffer=0, **kwargs): super(ResourceQueue, self).__init__( num_servers=num_servers, AgentFactory=AgentFactory, qbuffer=qbuffer, **kwargs ) self.max_servers = 2 * num_servers self.over_max = 0 def __repr__(self): my_str = ("ResourceQueue:{0}. Servers: {1}, max servers: {2}, " "arrivals: {3}, departures: {4}, next time: {5}") arg = (self.edge[2], self.num_servers, self.max_servers, self.num_arrivals, self.num_departures, round(self._time, 3)) return my_str.format(*arg)
[docs] def set_num_servers(self, n): self.num_servers = n if n > self.max_servers: self.over_max += 1
[docs] def next_event(self): """Simulates the queue forward one event. This method behaves identically to a :class:`.LossQueue` if the arriving/departing agent is anything other than a :class:`.ResourceAgent`. The differences are; Arriving: * If the :class:`.ResourceAgent` has a resource then it deletes the agent upon arrival and adds one to ``num_servers``. * If the :class:`.ResourceAgent` is arriving without a resource then nothing special happens. Departing: * If the :class:`.ResourceAgent` does not have a resource, then ``num_servers`` decreases by one and the agent then *has a resource*. Use :meth:`~QueueServer.simulate` for simulating instead. """ if isinstance(self._arrivals[0], ResourceAgent): if self._departures[0]._time < self._arrivals[0]._time: return super(ResourceQueue, self).next_event() elif self._arrivals[0]._time < infty: if self._arrivals[0]._has_resource: arrival = heappop(self._arrivals) self._current_t = arrival._time self._num_total -= 1 self.set_num_servers(self.num_servers + 1) if self.collect_data: t = arrival._time if arrival.agent_id not in[arrival.agent_id] = [[t, t, t, len(self.queue), self.num_system]] else:[arrival.agent_id].append([t, t, t, len(self.queue), self.num_system]) if self._arrivals[0]._time < self._departures[0]._time: self._time = self._arrivals[0]._time else: self._time = self._departures[0]._time elif self.num_system < self.num_servers: super(ResourceQueue, self).next_event() else: self.num_blocked += 1 self._num_arrivals += 1 self._num_total -= 1 arrival = heappop(self._arrivals) self._current_t = arrival._time if self.collect_data: if arrival.agent_id not in[arrival.agent_id] = [[arrival._time, 0, 0, len(self.queue), self.num_system]] else:[arrival.agent_id].append([arrival._time, 0, 0, len(self.queue), self.num_system]) if self._arrivals[0]._time < self._departures[0]._time: self._time = self._arrivals[0]._time else: self._time = self._departures[0]._time else: return super(ResourceQueue, self).next_event()
def _current_color(self, which=0): if which == 1: nSy = self.num_servers cap = self.max_servers div = 5. if cap <= 1 else (3. * cap) tmp = 0.9 - min(nSy / div, 0.9) color = [i * tmp / 0.9 for i in self.colors['edge_loop_color']] color[3] = 0.0 elif which == 2: color = self.colors['vertex_pen_color'] else: nSy = self.num_servers cap = self.max_servers div = 5. if cap <= 1 else (3. * cap) tmp = 0.9 - min(nSy / div, 0.9) if self.edge[0] == self.edge[1]: color = [i * tmp / 0.9 for i in self.colors['vertex_fill_color']] color[3] = 1.0 else: color = [i * tmp / 0.9 for i in self.colors['edge_color']] color[3] = 0.5 return color
[docs] def clear(self): super(ResourceQueue, self).clear() self.num_blocked = 0 self.over_max = 0
[docs]class InfoAgent(Agent): """\ An agent that carries information about the :class:`.QueueNetwork` around. This agent is designed to work with the :class:`.InfoQueue`. It collects load data (utilization rate, and the number of agents waiting to be served) from each queue that it visits. Parameters ---------- agent_id : tuple (optional, default: ``(0, 0)``) A unique identifier for an agent. Is set automatically by the queue that instantiates the agent. The first slot is queues edge index and the second slot is specifies the instantiation number for that queue. net_size : int (optional, default: 1) The number of edges in the network. **kwargs : Any arguments to pass to :class:`.Agent`. """ def __init__(self, agent_id=(0, 0), net_size=1, **kwargs): super(InfoAgent, self).__init__(agent_id, **kwargs) self.stats = np.zeros((net_size, 3), np.int32) self.net_data = np.ones((net_size, 3)) * -1 def __repr__(self): return "InfoAgent; agent_id:{0}. Time: {1}".format(self.agent_id, round(self._time, 3))
[docs] def add_loss(self, qedge, *args, **kwargs): # qedge[2] is the edge_index of the queue self.stats[qedge[2], 2] += 1
def get_beliefs(self): return self.net_data[:, 2]
[docs] def queue_action(self, queue, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(queue, InfoQueue): # update information a = logical_or(self.net_data[:, 0] < queue.net_data[:, 0], self.net_data[:, 0] == -1) self.net_data[a, :] = queue.net_data[a, :] # stamp this information n = queue.edge[2] # This is the edge_index of the queue if self.agent_id in tmp =[self.agent_id][-1][1] -[self.agent_id][-1][0] self.stats[n, 0] = self.stats[n, 0] + tmp self.stats[n, 1] += 1 if tmp > 0 else 0 self.net_data[n, :] = queue._current_t, queue.num_servers, queue.num_system / queue.num_servers
[docs]class InfoQueue(LossQueue): """A queue that stores information about the network. This queue gets information about the state of the network (number of :class:`Agent's<.Agent>` at other queues) from arriving :class:`InfoAgent's<.InfoAgent>`. When an :class:`.InfoAgent` arrives, the queue extracts all the information the agent has and replaces it's out-of-date network information with the agents more up-to-date information (if the agent has any). When an :class:`.InfoAgent` departs this queue, the queue gives the departing agent all the information it has about the state of the network. Parameters ---------- net_size : int (optional, default: ``1``) The total number of edges in the network. AgentFactory : class (optional, default: :class:`.InfoAgent`) The class of agents that arrive from outside the network. qbuffer : int (optional, default: ``infty``) The maximum number of agents that can be waiting to be serviced. **kwargs : Extra parameters to pass to :class:`.LossQueue`. """ def __init__(self, net_size=1, AgentFactory=InfoAgent, qbuffer=np.infty, **kwargs): super(InfoQueue, self).__init__(AgentFactory=AgentFactory, qbuffer=qbuffer, **kwargs) self.networking(net_size) def __repr__(self): my_str = ("InfoQueue:{0}. Servers: {1}, queued: {2}, " "arrivals: {3}, departures: {4}, next time: {5}") arg = (self.edge[2], self.num_servers, len(self.queue), self.num_arrivals, self.num_departures, round(self._time, 3)) return my_str.format(*arg) def networking(self, network_size): self.net_data = -1 * np.ones((network_size, 3)) def extract_information(self, agent): if isinstance(agent, InfoAgent): a = self.net_data[:, 0] < agent.net_data[:, 0] self.net_data[a, :] = agent.net_data[a, :] def _add_arrival(self, agent=None): if agent is not None: self._num_total += 1 heappush(self._arrivals, agent) else: if self._current_t >= self._next_ct: self._next_ct = self.arrival_f(self._current_t) if self._next_ct >= self.deactive_t: = False return self._num_total += 1 new_agent = self.AgentFactory((self.edge[2], self._oArrivals), len(self.net_data)) new_agent._time = self._next_ct heappush(self._arrivals, new_agent) self._oArrivals += 1 if self._oArrivals >= self.active_cap: self._active = False if self._arrivals[0]._time < self._departures[0]._time: self._time = self._arrivals[0]._time
[docs] def next_event(self): if self._arrivals[0]._time < self._departures[0]._time: self.extract_information(self._arrivals[0]) return super(InfoQueue, self).next_event()
[docs] def clear(self): super(InfoQueue, self).clear() self.networking(len(self.net_data))